About Our Volunteer Fire Dept.
The Gold Beach Volunteer Fire Department serves the greater Gold Beach area with structural fire protection service. Our service area includes the Gold Beach/Wedderburn RFPD, which includes Jerry’s Flat, Wedderburn, Rogue Hills and the North Bank area of the Rogue River.
We have 3 front line fire engines and 1 service/rescue vehicle. We average 18 to 25 volunteer firefighters, with a combined firefighting experience of several hundred years, operating under the supervision of Fire Chief Tyson Krieger.
Tax bases fund our annual operating costs and we have successfully passed 3 consecutive levies for acquisition of new fire apparatus with the generous support of the community.
We cooperate with other local fire departments in a mutual aid agreement to give or receive assistance in the event of a larger, more serious incident. We are also tied to the Wildland Fire Agency in the event of brush fires. We maintain and are fully qualified in the use of “Jaws Of Life” extraction auto accident procedures responding North and South along Hwy 101 and upriver to the Agness area. We also provide support to the local ambulance service as requested.
As with most volunteer fire departments, we are always in need of members who are willing and able to help their neighbors in providing a vital and potentially life saving service.