Traffic School Program


This program is designed to allow drivers the opportunity to recognize and review their driving habits, attitudes and behaviors. The objective is to motivate drivers to heighten their driving awareness and establish safer driving techniques for the enhanced safety of the entire community. If qualified for the program, a defendant may voluntarily enter into the traffic school program. The qualifications for the program are as follows:

  • You were cited for a single moving violation that does not involve an accident.
  • You have no previous moving violation convictions or traffic crimes anywhere within the last three years.
  • You have not participated in a traffic school program anywhere within the last three years.
  • You have a valid non-commercial drivers license or permit.

If you are interested in this program, please advise the court specialist when you appear on your citation.  If you have questions, please call the court at (541) 247-7029and press zero to speak to a court specialist.

You may apply for traffic school through the mail using the form below.