The City of Gold Beach makes it easy as possible for you to pay your water and sewer bill. In this section, you'll find out how the billing for water and sewer services works. You'll also find answers to any payment questions you may have. To enroll in our online bill pay program, click on the red XPRESS BILL PAY button in the upper right corner of this page
*REQUIRED DEPOSIT: Water/Sewer - $200
Water Only - $100
Sewer Only - $150
Bills are due upon receipt and become late after the 10th of each month. A 10% penalty is assessed if your payment is not received by close of business (5:00 pm) on the 10th. If your account is set up for automatic payment, you will still receive a statement. To participate in the automatic payment program, click HERE.
If you use online bill pay, please ask your bank or financial institution to put your account number on your check. If you pay online, please understand your payment is not instantly received by the city. It takes 7-10 days for us to receive your payment from the bill payer.
WATER is made up of two individual charges and can change monthly based on your actual water usage.
$27.14: INSIDE city limits - Base Rate for first 1500 gallons. After the first 1500 gallons you are charged a per gallon rate based on usage.
$29.39: OUTSIDE city limits - Base Rate for first 1500 gallons. After the first 1500 gallons you are charged a per gallon rate based on usage.
$9: Water Reserve - this is a per customer fee that goes into a reserve account for future water infrastructure improvements.
Meters are typically read the 3rd week of the month
SEWER is made up of four individual charges that total $57.18. The charges are explained below:
$28.74: Regular Sewer - this is the basic sewer fee (per EDU) which is when you actually flush your toilet. This fee pays for the maintenance and day-to-day operation of the treatment plant.
$20.40: Sewer Treatment Plant Reserve - this is a debt service fee (per EDU*) which goes towards paying off the $11 million loan for the new treatment plant.
$6.12: Sewer Line 101 - this is a debt service fee (per EDU) which pays on the $1.5 million loan we received in 2005 for improvements to the main sewer line under Highway 101.
$3: Sewer Reserve - this is a per customer fee that goes into a reserve account for future sewer improvements.
If you have both sewer and water your monthly minimum bill will be at least $96.40 for inside the city limits.
If you live outside the city limits, your monthly bill will be at least $38.31.
The city does not provide sewer outside of city limits.
*EDU: Means Equivalent Dwelling (or Residential) Unit. This is what one household is assessed for sewer use. The state has a chart to determine EDU’s for commercial and industrial uses. If you wish to see this chart, please ask us.